The Buyers of the last bags of Macs Porcupine Creek Alaska PAYDIRT have already made money - GOLD WENT UP! How far will it go, $2,000.00 or $3,000.00 an Ounce? Macs Porcupine Creek Alaska PAYDIRT has good gold. Buy one now and Stash Your Gold for a Rainy Day!

If you ACTUALLY WANT GOLD in your pay dirt try one of these. If you don't get GOOD GOLD I will EAT A BUG.

We do not run this pay dirt through our wash plant and take out the GOLD so we do not know what is in it - 1oz klunkers - nuggets? - Good Unprocessed Pay Dirt!

Everyone selling pay dirt is trying to make a profit after all their costs and shipping; I haven’t tested them all but I assume much of the pay dirt being sold may contain very little gold.

Some of the sellers will process the dirt and take out all the good gold and leave some of the flower gold and some may add a small amount of gold;

Some may advertise a huge 1/2 or 1 ounce clunker every once in a while as a promotion for their pay dirt;

Processing material through a classifier, Trommel, wash plant, jigs and shaker tables and the final clean-up is the biggest cost of GETTING THE GOLD out of the pay dirt;

I believe I would prefer to receive PAYDIRT that has never been run through any process to take out the gold that was already in the pay dirt;

We give you good UNPROCESSED PAYDIRTwe don’t even know what is in it because it does not go through our wash plant.

Our PAYDIRT goes from the Earth into the Bags or Buckets but we do toss the large rocks into our tailing pile first.

You could get nice nuggets, pickers, flakes and flower and end up making more IN GOLD VALUE than you PAID from our UNPROCESSED PAYDIRT.

Our cost to dig and bag is minimal. So, to make sure you are getting a good amount of goldwe add some gold.

PLUS you get the GOLD that was already in our UNPROCESSED PAYDIRT.

So what is important to you? It’s not the amount of dirt you get when you buy pay dirt; it’s the amount of GOLD you get in the dirt!

You will be happy with the amount of GOLD in our PAYDIRT!



For centuries people have dreamed of finding GOLD and getting rich. Back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s thousands came to Alaska and the Yukon Territory in search of Gold. A few got rich but the others only found enough to eat beans every day and many of them starved or froze to death during the cold winter months.

Gold prospecting was hard work in those days and it still is today. With a pick, shovel, a gold pan and a sluice box a man back then could get the gold out of a few cubic yards of dirt each day.

Those Old Timers were trying to get rich or at least get some Gold to take home to their families which would give them a better life than the life they were living. Life was tough back in those days. The Old Timers were trying to get RICH but after working hard for 16 or more hours they would be happy if they found 2 or 3 grams of Gold and excited if they found 8 grams. In fact, if the miner could make $2.00 to $5.00 a day from gold he would be making ten to twenty times what he would make working for a cattle rancher or farm owner. Most people lived off of the land that they lived on and they would barter their crops or work for other things they needed like salt, sugar or clothing material so the little lady could make shirts and dresses by hand. If they were lucky they would make $50.00 a year selling their extra crops or working for someone a few days a year. Gold was their dream!

Some of these Old Timers made their way to Porcupine Creek, Slate Creek, Miller Gulch and Nabesna. They are all in the same area. They heard that prospectors had found Gold exposed in Slate Creek and Miller Gulch so they high tailed it to that area and concentrated their efforts there and over the years recovered 180,000 ounces from the area – one of the photos above shows mining at Slate Creek in the early 1900’s. One miner had a feeling about the Nabesna area so he stayed and kept searching. After several years of surviving and searching for Gold he walked up the side of one of the mountains and found a hole that looked like a bear had been digging for a Marmot or Squirrel who had also dug out some quartz rocks. He walked closer and picked up one of the quartz rocks and, low and behold, it was full of gold. He had an assay done and the quartz contained 256 Ounces to the ton. He had struck it rich. You could read the book “Nabesna Gold” for the full story.

Those Old Timers knew that the mining season in Alaska is only 90 to 120 days, the winter is long and cold plus warmth and food is hard to come by so they would test and move on if there was not a lot of gold in a pan of pay dirt. Plus, if it was covered with trees and vegetation it was much harder to get to the gold. They were looking for an easy spot to dig with a lot of gold so they actually skipped over and never mined some really good areas.

The Porcupine Creek area is one of those areas that they skipped over. They were getting flower gold at the surface but the area is covered with big trees and ground vegetation so they thought the overburden would be thick. They were wrong. The ground vegetation is only about 2 feet thick. The tree roots spread out instead of going deep and they lock together with the surrounding tree roots which gives them stability. Underneath that vegetation and those big trees are rocks, sand, gravel and, yes, GOLD along with other precious metals and minerals. There are even gemstones on one of Macs claims near the Porcupine.

So how did Mac come into this story? Mac and Moni bought a business property a “stone’s throw” from the Porcupine and at times they would walk the surrounding state land and creeks with a shovel, bucket, rock pick and gold pan. Mac was getting flower gold within a foot or two from the surface in the creeks and even a flake or two in some areas. He contacted the state and found out that there was some small scale mining in the past up the side of the mountains in the area. Was this because they were above the tree line? The biggest piece of information was that the land could be staked as mining claims. Needless to say, Mac staked the claims.

A large mining company has recently tested and staked all of the unclaimed mining claims in the area around Porcupine Creek and has plans to mine them in the future because their recent testing showed up to 126g of gold per ton.

Now you know where Macs Porcupine Creek Alaska PAYDIRT comes from.


Gold is in all of our dreams and in our blood, so to speak, and we still search for Gold today. The old saying goes, “Gold is where you find it!”

Some people find a lot of Gold and make a lot of money from it but others, just like in the old days, only find enough to eat beans every day.

And it is still hard work! Nothing changed in the 21st Century: A man with a pick, shovel, a five gallon bucket, a gold pan and a sluice box will only process a few cubic yards of dirt each day.

Recreational Gold Miners today get really excited if, after a hard day of work, they recover the same 3 to 8 grams of gold that the Old Timers were looking for;

Most gold miners today do it for the fun, companionship, recreation and clean fresh air, exercise, excitement of finding any amount of gold and for the bragging rights about the gold they have found.


That being said, I would like to add: If you have time and some practice panning pay dirt for the gold – go do it!

You could find land that wasn’t tested or ever mined which contains a lot of Gold like Mac has. One that the Old Timers skipped over! They’re still out there!

But before you spend money on a sluice, bucket, pick and shovel – just buy a gold pan and practice using good pay dirt that you can buy.

GPAA (The Gold Prospectors Association of America) has great videos on how to pan and about prospecting.

Let me offer a couple tips here: 1. even experts lose gold from their pan so use a #2 tub full of water to catch the PAYDIRT that you wash out of your gold pan because you can get the dirt out of the tub and pan it again and 2. You need to add a few drops of “DAWN” dish soap to the water because the light flower gold will actually float right out of your pan and you could lose a lot of YOUR GOLD. I don’t work for Dawn but I do know that it works better than anything else.


You should try as many of the offers to sell Pay Dirt on eBay and other websites as you feel you should;

If you are doing it for the Gold then I recommend you try the ones who “add gold” to their bag because generally a few pounds of pay dirt will not yield a lot of gold;


You will be happy with your PORCUPINE PAYDIRT. Why?


You could get nice nuggets, pickers, flakes and flower and end up making more than you paid in GOLD. Just to make sure you are getting gold we add some gold.

These Nuggets would be perfect for making Jewelry or you could take all of your gold and it stash away for a rainy day;

AND: when Gold goes back up you will make a profit.

PLUS: Occasionally we put in more gold than the bag of Porcupine PAYDIRT cost you; and, sometimes we throw in a nice nugget.

You’ve got Gold and you’ve had a lot of fun.


One question: Is your family and friends having fun with you?

Have you ever thought about having a "Gold Panning Party" for all of your friends and family?

Your family and friends could pan their own Nuggets like the ones shown in the pictures from our Macs Porcupine Creek Alaska PAYDIRT.

Once they get all that gold they may become just as excited about gold prospecting as you are and you will have company while you are out prospecting for that elusive yellow gold.

You may order several bags of our PAYDIRT on our website for your “Family and Friend Gold Panning Party” and personalize each bag by having us put their names on the bags. Or, you could order big bags or buckets PAYDIRT.

You may even sign up to receive PAYDIRT every month, delivered automatically by using the “Subscribe” link on the 1st page of the website and receive a discount off of the regular price plus free pay dirt.

PAYDIRT ordered from the website gets A FREE PASS for a One Day Gold Mining Adventure for one person on Porcupine Creek in Alaska plus FREE SHIPPING IN THE USA – WE DO NOT SHIP OUT OF THE USA.

We really do Gold Mining on Porcupine Creek in North Central Alaska (see photos).


MacDuffys Adventures and Roadhouse & our Gold Claims are located in the Mid-Cretaceous Alaskan Porphyry Metals & Gold Belt at the confluence of the Alaska Mountain Range and the Wrangell Mountains near where the Copper River, Slana River, Ahtell Creek and Porcupine Creek merge. Close to Slate Creek, Miller Gulch & Nabesna Gold Mine


IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY EXPERIENCED at panning you should buy some good PAYDIRT and practice but you want to buy pay dirt that has some gold in it so you will know when you are doing it right.

You should pan your pay dirt into a #2 Tub or other container full of water with a few drops of DAWN dish soap in the water and then re-pan the dirt again because you probably missed some Gold. You will LOVE the amount of GOLD you get from Macs Porcupine Creek PAYDIRT!

IF YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED gold miner and know how to pan – you still might miss some, but, you already know that. You will LOVE the amount of gold you recover from Macs Porcupine Creek PAYDIRT, too!


If there are photos showing 1 ounce of gold or any quantity of gold – please note – you do not get the ounce of gold or the gold in the photo. Photos are only to illustrate the type of gold you will get.

Keep in mind; we do not have any control of your pay dirt once you receive it. You could lose the gold in the pay dirt when you pan it out and yes, it happens, there is always the possibility that an unscrupulous person could receive our pay dirt with really good gold yet say they did not get any – so therefore – we do not guarantee that you will receive any quantity of gold in the pay dirt.

Macs Creek Bottom bags of Gold would NOT contain 1 ounce of gold but there could be a time when a bag of Creek Bottom PAYDIRT contained an ounce – so, do not expect an ounce of gold but who knows – you could strike it rich with an ounce for a small investment.

I assure you that there is gold in every one of our Porcupine PAYDIRT offers – but I still cannot guarantee it – you will just have to take my word for it.

We are here for the long haul – this is not a get rich quick scheme!

We have a business on the highway in Alaska and we have gold mining property all around our business.

We have plans to offer Gold Mining Adventures on Porcupine Creek beginning in 2015 where you can come to Alaska, meet us and experience an Alaska Adventure for One Day or All Summer.

We have a Business License in Alaska.

We will try to make you happy if you aren’t – but – some folks are never happy so we can’t guarantee that we will, but we will try.

I put some facts about Gold from Wikipedia – and a few other facts below that:

From Wikipedia: Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. There are 12 troy ounces per troy pound (373.24 g) rather than the 16 ounces per pound (453.59 g) found in the more common avoirdupois system. The troy ounce is 480 grains, compared with the avoirdupois ounce, which is 437 1⁄2 grains. Both systems use the same grain defined by the international yard and pound agreement of 1959 as exactly 0.06479891 gram. Although troy ounces are still used to weigh gold, silver, and gemstones, troy weight is no longer used in most other applications

Gold is in our dreams and in our blood, so to speak, and we still search for Gold today. “Gold is where you find it!”

Some people find a lot of Gold and make a lot of money from it but others, just like in the old days, only find enough to eat beans every day.

And it is still hard work! Nothing changed in the 21st Century: A man with a pick, shovel, a five gallon bucket and a sluice box will only process a few cubic yards of dirt each day.

But, if you go to your local Prospectors Store you can buy equipment that will let you process 5, 10 or more, cubic yards a day at a cost of $5,000.00 and up. Plus you need an ATV to haul your equipment back off the main roads to an area that has some gold and you will need a good truck and trailer to haul it all. Even with equipment you are only processing a few yards a day.

Big mining operations will process hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of dirt a day. Plus they have spent many millions of dollars for equipment to process all of that dirt.

A cubic yard of dirt weighs about one and a half tons – 3,000 pounds; a cubic yard is 27 cubic feet of dirt and for comparison a five gallon bucket is close to 1 cubic foot of dirt and weights 90 to 110 pounds.

A decent mining property may contain as little as $10.00 per cubic yard in gold and other metals – some contain a lot more gold. Generally you must process a lot of dirt to make good money.

If you have the equipment to process 1,000 cubic yards a day – which is a small operation compared to the big mining operations – you can make $10,000.00 a day at $10.00 a yard but to start mining at this scale you need equipment that will cost at least $100,000.00 – used – and you need a good property that will give up gold.


One Troy Ounce of Gold is 31.1 grams; 20 pennyweights or 480 grains;

When the Old Timers were mining they worked 12 to 16 hours or more a day to try to make $2.00 to $5.00 in gold. They were trying to get 3 to 8 grams. Gold sold for maybe $14.00 to $20.00 an ounce;

Today Gold sells for from $1,100.00 at times, to $1,900.00 at times, an ounce which is $35.00 to $61.00 a gram;

Recreational Gold Miners today get really excited if they recover the same 3 to 8 grams of gold in a day that the Old Timers were looking for;

Most gold miners today do it for the fun, companionship, recreation, clean fresh air, excitement of finding any amount of gold and for the bragging rights about the gold they have found;

A cubic yard – 3,000 pounds – or, 27 five gallon buckets – and if each yard contained $10 worth of gold that is about $0.37 per five gallon bucket;

A five gallon bucket weights – let’s say – 100 pounds, so, each pound contains $0.0037 dollars – 1/3 of one cent – in gold;

A good gold miner with a gold pan can pan about – let’s say – 25 to 50 pounds an hour or $0.09 to $0.18 – so you see why the miners today still get excited over finding 3 to 8 grams in a day at $35.00 to $61.00 a gram.

The Point Is:

I believe I would prefer to receive PAYDIRT that has never been run through any process to take out the gold that was already in the pay dirt.

Processing material through a classifier, Trommel, wash plant, jigs and shaker tables and the final clean-up is the biggest cost of GETTING THE GOLD out of pay dirt so our cost is minimal.

We give you good UNPROCESSED PAYDIRT – we don’t even know what is in it because it does not go through our wash plant but we do toss the large rocks before it goes in the bag or bucket.

You could get nice nuggets, pickers, flakes and flower and end up making more IN GOLD VALUE than you PAID from our UNPROCESSED PAYDIRT. Our PAYDIRT goes from the Earth into the Bags or Buckets.

We didn’t process the dirt and digging the dirt out of the ground and bagging it didn’t cost us much even if it has good gold in it. So, to make sure you are getting a good amount of gold – WE ADD GOLD.

Let me add a little more information about adding gold to pay dirt: How many yards of pay dirt do we have to mine to get 1g – one gram – of gold after all costs have been taken out of the gold we recovered? For this example let us say gold is $1,240.00 an ounce on the gold exchange; an ounce is 31.1 grams and if you divided the $1240 by 31.1 you end up with $40.00 per gram. Let’s say the property we are mining is giving us $10.00 worth of gold per yard which means that we are getting 1/4 of a gram of gold per yard and to get 1 gram we must mine 4 yards of pay dirt. Mining consists of using dozers, excavators, generators, pumps, Trommel or wash plant with sluice boxes, shaker tables and more to clean the gold out of the concentrates. This equipment must be replaced every few years when it becomes un-repairable. All of this equipment takes people, employees or partners that get a percentage of the gold recovered; operators to run the equipment; fuel and oil needed to keep the equipment running; mechanics and welders to keep everything repaired and serviced; and replacement parts whenever something breaks. If we are having a good year the cost is only about 80% of the gold and our profit is 20%. In other words: we must process 20 yards of pay dirt to get 5 grams and if our cost to mine the pay dirt is 80%, or, 4 grams and we will have 20%, or, 1 gram left. So when we add 1g of gold to our Porcupine PAYDIRT think about all of the people and all of the equipment that it took to find that gram of gold and in the end you have ended up with a treasure that very few people have ever seen. When you look at it through a magnifier you will see that each piece is unique and one of a kind! In fact the odds are that there is only one piece of gold exactly like the one you are holding in your hand on the earth and that is the one you have in your hand.




We give you good UNPROCESSED PAYDIRTwe don’t even know what is in it because it does not go through our wash plant.

Our PAYDIRT goes from the Earth into the Bags or Buckets but we do toss the large rocks into our tailing pile first.

You could get nice nuggets, pickers, flakes and flower and end up making more IN GOLD VALUE than you PAID from our UNPROCESSED PAYDIRT.

Our cost to dig and bag is minimal. So, to make sure you are getting a good amount of goldwe add gold.

PLUS you get the GOLD that was already in our UNPROCESSED PAYDIRT.

So what is important to you? It’s not the amount of dirt you get when you buy pay dirt; it’s the amount of GOLD you get in the dirt!

We try to make you happy with the amount of GOLD in our PAYDIRT



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